Zen Orchid Medical
  • 5800 49th Street North, Ste S-103 St. Petersburg, FL 33709
  • 727.471.6372

Urgent Care in a Comfortable Environment

“It’s killin’ me”. Boo boos. Ouchies. Tummy Pain. Whatever you choose to call it, you’re not feeling well and you need to talk to someone. We get it. Life happens and when it does, there is Zen Orchid Medical urgent care.

Zen Orchid Medical. Treatment for sprains, strains, aches, pain, burns, minor cuts and wounds.

Treatment for burns & blisters, rashes, insect bites, psoriasis, acne, rosacea

Treatment for ED, enlarged prostate, hormone deficiency

Birth control consultation, mastitis, pregnancy testing, bladder and urinary tract infections, vaginosis, yeast infection treatment, vaginal discharge treatment and hormone deficiencies.

Blood pressure and cholesterol screening, thyroid disease screening

School/college physicals (age 13 and up), sports physicals, medical exams,